DC Battle of the Books
The BOB (Battle of the Books) is a district-wide reading motivation program based upon the current Three Stars nominated titles. This program is sponsored by DCLA SLS (District of Columbia Library Association School Library Section). Students in 4th-8th grades participate in this competition by simply reading the Three Stars titles listed on the DCLA SLS website and answering questions.
DCLA SLS’s BOB mission is to encourage a culture of reading and introduce students to new and exciting titles that they might not normally read. We recognize that the in-person BOB competition is an annual event that staff and students enjoy and look forward to each year.
This year's Battle will take place on Friday, May 16th. The majority of librarians voted to have a virtual battle this year. As such, elementary school students will compete at 10:00 am and middle school students will complete at 1:00 PM. If you would like to host an in person battle prior to our virtual one, you are encouraged to do so.
Battle of the Books 2025
Is your school planning to participate in this year's Battle of the Books?
To help us plan a successful event, please fill out this form by February 18, 2024.
This will also ensure you continue to receive communications about the event.
If you have any questions, we are hosting a drop-in info session on Friday, February 14 from 12:30-1:00. Please join using this link.
The coach from each participating school MUST be a member of DC Library Association. If not a member, join today.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Battle of the Books Chair, Carson Everett (dclabotbchair@dcla.org) and the DCLA School Library Chair, Ashleigh Rose (school_lsc@dcla.org)
NEW! Flyers to promote 2025 BOB at your school
Upper Elementary Flyer Middle School Flyer
Practice with Our Previous Virtual Battle of the Books Questions
DC schools can participate in a Virtual Battle of the Books through Kahoot. In partnership with Junior League of Washington, questions were designed using titles from the Three Stars Book Award nominees from their respective years in the Upper Elementary and Middle School categories. Play at home or stage a virtual or in-person battle with students!
2024 Upper Elementary Battle of the Books (80 Questions)
2024 Middle School Battle of the Books (80 Questions)
2023 Upper ES and Middle School Questions (160 questions)
2022 High School Battle of the Books (100 questions)
2022 Middle School Battle of the Books (80 questions)
2022 Upper Elementary Battle of the Books (80 questions)
2021 Middle School Battle of the Books (100 questions)
2021 Upper Elementary Battle of the Books (80 questions)
Middle school participants display their answers during the 2019 event at Dunbar HS